- He was watch ing the crowd go by. 他注视着人群走过。
- Chao Tso, whose style name was Wen-tu, was a native of Hua-t’ing, Kiangsu. 赵左(活动于西元十七世纪前期),作品见于万历癸卯(一六0三年)至崇祯己巳(一六二九年)间。
- Consumer goods production was to go up by6.6percent ing that city. 在那个城市消费品生产将增长6.6%。
- Tom was salted by the ku kluxers. 汤姆被三 K 党给杀死了。
- I highly recommend the Viceroy Tso Chicken. 我极力推荐左宗棠鸡。
- In Ch ina , it is not e a sy to give the child a good liv ing, even you h a ve only one child! 在中国现在生一个孩子养好了都费力呀!
- The Nazi Party is an enormous German Ku Klux Klan. 纳粹党就是一个大型的德国三K党。
- Sera Khandro was an incarnation of Chaka Dorje Tso. 色拉康卓是卡拉多杰楚的一个化身。
- He is ey(e)ing a run for the governor next year. 他在考虑明年要竞选州长。
- Continue climb to FL260 on radial190 CH. 在ch方位190度继续爬升到高度层260。
- Miss Sun, Ku, and Li appeared, exclaiming, "Al! 孙小姐李先生顾先生来了,都说:“咦!
- Ch an Ching Wai World Intelligence Project. 清伟全球智能工程。
- "I've a feeling that Li and Ku were both lying. “我觉得李和顾都在撒谎。
- Ch us how to develop photographs. 老师将教我们如何冲洗。
- The act of ro ing someone at gu oint. 持枪相威胁,抢夺他人财物的行为。
- "It's so comprehensive!" exclaimed Ku. 顾尔谦道:“包罗万象!
- Accomplish other jobs disposed by CH and Sr. 完成教学主管和中心主任布置的其它工作。
- Ku clapped his hands and said, "Hasn't it, though? 顾先生拍手道:“可不是么?
- The Study of Aesthetic Psychology in Ch. 语文课堂审美心理研究;